2024深圳設計週: 「設計讓生活更美好」
The Shenzhen Design Week is a large-scale international design event hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the International Council of Design. It has been successfully held for six editions so far. The 2024 Shenzhen Design Week will be held from April 27 to May 6, 2024.
This edition of the Design Week will be themed "Design for a Better Life," and it will undergo a reshaping and reconstruction of its positioning and operation model. It will integrate design activities and creative design resources across the city, throughout the year, and introduce a "4+23+N" activity matrix and a multi-layered design exhibition and exchange format of "main venue + sub-venues + satellite venues." It aims at creating a Shenzhen Design Week that never ends.
Mark your calendars and get ready to be part of this exciting design-centric celebration in the heart of Shenzhen, China.
深圳設計週是由深圳市政府、國際設計理事會主辦的大型國際設計盛會,至今已成功舉辦了六屆。 2024 深圳設計週將於 2024 年4 月 27 日至 5 月 6 日舉行。
本屆設計週以「設計讓生活更美好」為主題,對定位和運作模式進行重塑重構重建,整合全市全域全年設計活動和創意設計資源,推出「4+23+N」活動矩陣和「主展場+分展場+星展場」多層次設計展示與交流形態。其中包括2024深圳環球設計大獎「鯕鵬獎」頒獎典禮、全球「設計之都」城市圓桌對話、全球設計師大會等 4 項重點主題活動,23 場系列品牌活動,以及 N 個分會場星展場活動,著力打造一個永不落幕的深圳設計週。